Monday, June 4, 2007

fractions at 530am

My cellphone rang out to life. Half asleep, I fumbled for my phone somewhere beneath the covers of my bed. It was half past five in the morning. One text message received. It was from my daughter. "Good am mama. I need your help." Oh, my. Why? My mind and heart raced as I struggled in dialing the all too familiar numbers to call home. What was wrong? Why is she needing help? Where is her freaking father? After a few attempts, I finally get a ringing sound. Maxine answered.
"Maxine, what is wrong baby?"
"Oh, mama, you are awake."
"What is the matter? why do you need help?"
"Mama, I need help to do my fractions. Papa is not here yet and it is almost dinner time. Will you help me?"
At home, there is a rule that homework must be finished before dinner time. It seems that my husband will be coming home late and she is stuck on her fractions.
An overwhelming rush of relief came over me. I found myself laughing.
"That's it? Well, of course, baby. I will help you."
"Go to the internet. We will do it online."
This is perhaps one of my most "mother moments". Solving math problems involving fractions. She would hold up a piece of paper with the problem and flash it to me via webcam. I will write down the answer at the same time explaining how I came up with such.
Who said I couldn't be half way around the world and help with math?
I truly am a global mom.

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