Saturday, August 4, 2007

yaya Nanay

Ate Fe, formerly yaya to my cousins Tess and Elpie and now companion to my Tita Mamie, dropped by our house in Sampaloc yesterday. Through the years, she and Nanay Linda have bonded. They are two peas in a pod. Ate Fe has been with my tita's family for almost 28 years now and Nanay Linda has been with mine for 36 years. I don't think there are many out there who can rival such loyalty. Nanay Linda cared for me as a newborn, accompanied my parents and I on my first day in nursery school and was with me everyday until I finished grade school. In high school, college and through med school, she was a constant presence, intuitively knowing my needs. She cried when I got married and was there when I gave birth to all my children. Now, that I am far away, she is with my own family, looking after my youngest. Nanay Linda is 54 years old now. Jun often worries that she does not have the stamina to keep up with my rambunctious 2 year old that we do have another yaya pitching in for Nikki. I have heard comments on letting her retire. She will go when she wants to is what I say. She is much a member of my family rather than a paid employee. Besides, I draw comfort in knowing that my children are surrounded by people who I trust and will see to it that no harm befalls them. I trust the hand that raised me.

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