Monday, September 24, 2007

I had a moment..

The phone rang to life. I knew exactly who it was. On the other end, I could hear incessant crying. My heart broke at the sound of it. Jun was saying that Nikki awoke suddenly and was looking for her Ate Maxine who sleeps beside her. Maxine had already gone early this morning to school. They were trying to pacify her but to no avail. "Ate Mac...ate mac..." They had me on speakerphone. I spoke her name coaxingly. I then began to sing one of her favorite Barney songs. Her bawling quieted down to whimpers. I closed my eyes. I had a mental picture of having her in my embrace and lulling her back to sleep, kissing her brow gently. Inhaling deeply, I relish her sweet baby scent. Then I realized that I heard no more cries. I just had a moment there. Tears stung my eyes. Even though I am thousands of miles away, my heart is warmed that my Nikki knows and feels who I am.

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