Saturday, July 14, 2007

coming clean

I think I am developing an addiction.
I am almost too ashamed to admit it.
It started one night when I was online. I was seated in front of my trusty Dell and enveloped by darkness with only some illumination coming from the glare of the screen.
I was sent a link to watch a video and my eyes became glued and I wanted to see more. Bodies close together, moving in unison, dramatic expressions, hands melded and with almost always the perfect music to set the mood. I was hooked. I will be up til late at night just transfixed and amazed at the flexibility of the human body.
Now, now, before thoughts go wandering off and I can imagine kinky minds thinking that I have developed a taste for sex videos. Que horror! I am not that desperate (LOL!). What I refer to is a growing addiction to watching "So You Think You Can Dance" clips on youtube.I am just mesmerized (and okay, I admit it, envious) that there are people who are naturally endowed with the grace and fluidity of movement. Darn it! I want to be like that too. I may not be born with it but I sure can learn ( or at least try ).
So, Jun, when I get back, we are taking ballroom classes. Please?

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