Friday, December 26, 2008

boxing day

This is my third winter in Canada. My second christmas. My first boxing day.
What is boxing day?
As I understand, from a business' point of view, after the Christmas rush, instead of boxing up their stock, they would rather clear it.
And from the consumers' point of view, it is time to box up their old stuff and time to replace with the new.
So how do these objectives marry? A ridiculous (in that prices can go unbelievably low and also in the way people behave) and frenzied shopping spree.
In the US, this is equivalent to black friday, the day after their thanksgiving each November. Remember the Wal-mart employee who was crushed to death? That was really a black friday.
As for me, I now reflect on my buys and grow aghast at how much I have spent.
Reality check. Cheap buys upon buys equal a mounting expense tab.
Ca-ching for Bestbuy, Futureshop and the Source... but this is nothing for me to sneeze at.
I'm glad this was my only boxing day.
It may just as well mean boxing (read: beating) yourself to pay up.
Time to condition myself now. Mantra: It is all worth it. Repeat 100 times.

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