Sunday, October 19, 2008

a true individual

This evening, Jun and Nikki went over her homework. Yes folks. She is three years old and attending nursery school.
I could see and hear their interaction thanks to the marvel that is the internet.
The Lesson: Emotions. Happy, Sad, Scared.
Jun read the scenario to her. Nikki is walking and suddenly you saw a snake (Jun provided realism with a hissing sound effect and writhing arm movements). What do you feel?
Nikki (in her most exuberant): Happeeee!!!! I love snake..Yes!!

How often would you hear that from a little kid? Anyway, this reminds me of when we were in a school supply store. Nikki wanted to get a watercolor set and a drawing book to unleash her art on. On the counter, the sales lady spread out the many drawing books with varying Disney Princess characters on the covers. This lady was giving my Nikki a hard time choosing and then would probably end up asking me to get more than just one. A sales strategy, I'm sure. Nikki was bent over the pile and seriously scanning. A few moments later, "This one! This one!" She excitedly pointed to a cover underneath the pile. And who do you know...Mr Bean. Nikki kept nodding her head with a big smile on her face. "Yes, I like Mr. Bean."

She is definitely her own true individual.

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