Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Toronto winter work out

I got off work early today. It is Ash wednesday and I meant to get to the 530pm service at St. Mike's. As I made my way towards the hospital's doors, I realized that it was snowing. Heavily this time though. The outside was a white haze. With each step I took outside, I felt my booted feet sink in to the freshly fallen snow. Deep. Deeper. What a work out. Despite the cold, I felt myself getting warm underneath my layers. The howling wind sounded sinister and its strong gusts nearly toppled me over one time too many. As I focused on taking each step, I felt ice pelting my face and it built up on my lenses making visibility close to nil. I was plodding on in zigzags like an aimless wanderer. I heard the church bells ring out. I am near.

A man who had gone in the church before me held the door open. Aaaahhh. Sanctuary. Sanctuary for my aching muscles and bones. Sanctuary for my soul. Thank you Lord!

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