It always pays to be prepared.
I have lately been searching for Philippine or any local data about the rates of late preterm (34-36 completed weeks of pregnancy), preterm births and other disease states in neonates, like jaundice, asphyxia, etc. The way I figure, I might as well focus on what would be the most common neonatal condition locally. I know, I know...Sepsis (systemic infection) would likely be reported as the most common. But is it early onset (< 7days of age) or late onset? Also, after this stint, I have full realization of why in residency, it pays to also consider the other stuff like a cardiac condition, metabolic problem, etc. (Yes, yes, by some miracle, I know have a general understanding of inborn errors of metabolism :)...ergo, it is not always sepsis!! I digress now. As I was saying, where is the data? I cannot really find it. The Philippine census lists some but clearly it is vague. There is nothing particulary specific with neonatal conditions. Does anyone know of where this repository of data is? Or is there even one?
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