a Filipina mother and physician who wandered about Toronto, Canada in the quest for higher learning but now whose footsteps led her back to the sunny shores of home....keeping mum about being totally bewildered but now blogging it all out
Sunday, April 5, 2009
a shopping hazard
Saturday, April 4, 2009
breathe to your poses
Thursday, April 2, 2009
It always pays to be prepared.
I have lately been searching for Philippine or any local data about the rates of late preterm (34-36 completed weeks of pregnancy), preterm births and other disease states in neonates, like jaundice, asphyxia, etc. The way I figure, I might as well focus on what would be the most common neonatal condition locally. I know, I know...Sepsis (systemic infection) would likely be reported as the most common. But is it early onset (< 7days of age) or late onset? Also, after this stint, I have full realization of why in residency, it pays to also consider the other stuff like a cardiac condition, metabolic problem, etc. (Yes, yes, by some miracle, I know have a general understanding of inborn errors of metabolism :)...ergo, it is not always sepsis!! I digress now. As I was saying, where is the data? I cannot really find it. The Philippine census lists some but clearly it is vague. There is nothing particulary specific with neonatal conditions. Does anyone know of where this repository of data is? Or is there even one?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
In less than three months, I will be back in the tropical climes of the Philippines for good. I have been looking forward to this ever since I came here to Toronto in June 24 2006 to start my fellowship. I look back now and I can't get over the fact that almost three years have gone by so quickly. I remember my first few weeks here thinking that I would never last. I have. Now my thoughts are filled with home. Time to catch up with family. Time to start my life again. I must admit that I now feel quite at ease with the system here at SickKids. I have found my niche and ensconced myself in this environment. Do I dare flee? I do. I am now close to breaking out from what has been my cocoon. Hopefully, when my wings have spread, it will be radiant as the coulours of the Monarch -- not only to uplift my own self but also those who will be around me.