Thursday, November 22, 2007

white and wet

I was asleep when I got roused because of noises...l thought small pebbles were being thrown at my window. Huh? Was somebody trying to wake me? That is some throwing arm...all the way to the 8th floor. Why not just call? These were the ramblings of my somnolent mind. I think I may just have been dreaming too. Anyways, I got up, took a peek outside. It was six in the morning. Oh yeah. Even though it was still dark, I could see the streaks of white falling from the sky.

As a little girl, I fantasized about winter wonderland. As I grew up, I had an occasion or two to live out the fantasy. Hurled the snowballs. Made Mr. Snowman. Brrrrr. Boy, it was cold though and worse, the whole whiteness of it all melted. What was left was slush (reminded me of the 7-11 slushies). There was also layers upon layers upon layers of clothing that my mother wrapped me in. Agility was not possible. Early on, I realized I did not like snow and this holds true until today.

Sigh. Snow. This is early.

Last year, the first snowfall came on December 30. I remember it well because it was my first post call day after having come back from the P.I. just on December 28.

I feel the chill in my bones.

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